In order to meet customers’ expectations and achieve high standards in production, safety, and quality, Each pipe produced at National Pipe goes through heavy testing. The tests that are used to check the quality of steel tubes and pipes, are:

Tensile Testing

This test measures the strength and ductility of the steel tube by applying tension until it breaks as per BS EN ASTM & API Standards.

Bend Testing

This test checks the ability of a steel pipes to bend without cracking or breaking as per BS EN ASTM & API Standards.

Hydrostatic Testing

This test checks for leaks and the strength of pipes by filling them with water and measuring the pressure as per BS EN ASTM & API Standards.

Hardness Testing

This test measures the resistance of steel pipes to indentation and helps to determine its suitability for specific applications as per BS EN ASTM & API Standards.

Chemical Analysis

This test determines the composition of a material, including the presence of impurities and the levels of various elements such as carbon, manganese, and sulfur.

Non-Destructive Testing

This includes tests such as ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, and magnetic particle testing, which are used to check the quality of pipes and tubes without damaging them.